Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Collaborative Inquiry and Learning in Mathematics (CILM)

Today I'm attending the HDSB Collaborative Inquiry and Learning in Mathematics Information Session.

Learning Goal: 
*Fostering a culture of collaboration including co-planning,co-teaching and co-relfecting
*Building mathematics content
*Exploring instructional strategies that optimize learning

Collaborative Inquiry and mathematics is a professional learning program designed by the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat to help strengthen the capacity of school districts to improve teaching and learning in k-6 mathematics. Key elements of CILM include :classroom embedded mathematics, professional learning, facilitation of school and district level professional learning networks, close examination of student work and building leadership capacity

 Joining the staff at Tiger Jeet Singh

Tiger Jeet Singh Public School

LNS Resource Collaborative Teacher Inquiry

LNS Resource: ESL in the Mathematics Classroom

Webcast:Three Part Lesson in Mathematics: Co-planning, co-teaching and supporting student learning Curriculum Services Canada

Lucy West: eworkshop

Marion Small:the-three-part-lesson

Parent Math Guide available in multiple languages order The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat
Helping Your Child Do Mathematics A Parent Guide

Equity and Inclusion:

How do each of the following lenses affect our students achievement in mathematics?

7 Equity Lenses Components

Ability:physical,intellectual, social / emotional, health, accessibility

Faith: spiritual,religious beliefs

FirstNation, Metis, Inuit: Canada’s Aboriginal People
Gender: masculine,feminine, intersex
Race/ Culture: ethnicbackground, social and cultural groupings
Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity: ethnicbackground, social and cultural groupings
Encompasses the range of human sexuality from gay, lesbian, bi-sexual to hetero-sexual;gender identity may or may not match the physical body, i.e. how we view ourselves as masculine or feminine
Socio-Economic: financial resources, living conditions,education, employment, lifestyle

Webcast:Curriculum Services Canada Teaching Social Justice Through Mathematics

*what is the concept/strand in focus?
*What are the focus curriculum expectations(or curriculum expectations) Big Ideas?
*Based on these expectations, what is it that the students need to know and be able to do?
*What is our learning goal for the students?
*Co-plan a classroom lesson-using the three part lesson design
*Anticpate student responses

Co-teaching Roles:
*lead (homeroom teacher)
*Insider (observer)

After delivering the lesson the student work is brought out of the classroom for discussion and reflections by the team

How do we consolidate the lesson based on student work?

Following the lesson's consolidation the work of the day is reflected upon

Triangulation of data:
exit passes
online surveys
phone interviews

Schools Involved:

Alexander's Sam Sherratt At home school or network Post's Corners Tiger Jeet Singh McKenzie-Smith Bennett John T. Tuck Emily Carr Silver Creek

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